Augmented Reality & Mixed Reality: Current Applications and The "New Normal"
In 2016 Apple unveiled wireless earbuds and proclaimed the end of the headphone jack. While most people mourned their wired headphones,...
A Trifecta Carol
No doubt their mobile device batteries were doornails. This must be distinctly understood or nothing wonderful can come from...
The Art of Exploration
A man in his 70’s wiped tears from his eyes as our production team handed “Oklahoma Symbols” coloring books and crayons to nearby kids......
Ascending Into 2018: A Dispatch from Plateau Point
Roughly halfway to the bottom of the Grand Canyon lies a panoramic view of the Colorado River called Plateau Point. On New Year's Eve, I...
On the Edge of Tomorrow: The Coming AR/VR World
In the coming years, it is our belief both augmented and virtual reality will become essential elements to most marketing. But what is AR an